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Online Peer-Reviewed Poems

“A Study of the Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site, Section I”

and “Directives On Line of Sight Clean, Otherwise Known as Dirty Closure.”

“13 Ways of Describing a Car Wreck.”

“Meditation on Careening,” “Meditation on Bargaining,” and “Ode for a Struggle Girl.”

“Postcards from Lake Charles.”

“You Probably Are One Too.”

“Ocean of Heaven.”

“At the Fountain.”

“I Listen to the Soundtrack from A Star Is Born.”

“Tryin’ On Shoes.”

“Meditation on Silencing.”

“Things You Shouldn’t Touch.”

“Lydia’ Song.”

“Psalm for the Fallen Women.”

“Art Farm.”

“Love Note to Say Goodbye.”

“The Last Thing I Saw Before My Accident.”

“Woman (In the Woods).”

“A Tarot Reading,” and “At the IPA Workshop.”

“Tell Me, What Were We Before.”

“Ways to Get from Here to There.”

“Beholding,” and “This is the Work.”

“To Nica, with Love.”

“I’m Not Normally a Sign Girl.”

“Home Was Not a Norman Rockwell.”

“I Kept Meaning to Cure Myself of You.”

“A Dandelion in a Vase Full of Roses.”

“Picking Mulberries.”

Online Peer-Reviewed Creative Nonfiction

“200 Dollars.”

“August in the Time of COVID.”

“Engaging Men in Gender Justice: My Women’s Studies Experience.”