ONLINE JOURNALS - choose a link

Peer-Reviewed Poems

The Journal:

“A Study of the Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site, Section I”

and “Directives On Line of Sight Clean, Otherwise Known as Dirty Closure.”

Wordrunner eChapbooks: “13 Ways of Describing a Car Wreck.”


“Meditation on Careening,” “Meditation on Bargaining,” and “Ode for a Struggle Girl.”

Street Cake Magazine: “Postcards from Lake Charles.”

Poetry Society of Michigan: “You Probably Are One Too.”

SWWIM: “Ocean of Heaven.”

OJ&L: “At the Fountain.”

OJ&L: “I Listen to the Soundtrack from A Star Is Born.”

Wordgathering: “Tryin’ On Shoes.”

Shotglass: “Meditation on Silencing.”

Mockingheart Review: “Things You Shouldn’t Touch.”

St. Katherine Review: “Lydia’s Song.”

St. Katherine Review: “Psalm for the Fallen Women.”

StepAway Magazine: “Art Farm.”

Marathon: “Love Note to Say Goodbye.”

Amethyst: “The Last Thing I Saw Before My Accident.”

Amethyst: “Woman (In the Woods).”

Tipton Poetry Journal: “A Tarot Reading,” and “At the IPA Workshop.”

Split Rock Review: “Tell Me, What Were We Before.”

Mobius: “Ways to Get from Here to There.”

Aji: “Beholding,” and “This is the Work.”

Hawaii Pacific Review: “To Nica, with Love.”

The Good Men Project: “I’m Not Normally a Sign Girl.”

One Sentence Poems: “Home Was Not a Norman Rockwell.”

Wordrunner eChapbooks: “I Kept Meaning to Cure Myself of You.”

Balloons Lit Journal: “A Dandelion in a Vase Full of Roses.”

Broad: “Picking Mulberries.”

Peer-Reviewed Creative Nonfiction

Stoneboat Literary Journal: “200 Dollars.”

Toasted Cheese: “August in the Time of COVID.”

Fiction SouthEast: “Writing in The Fallow.”

The Good Men Project: “Engaging Men in Gender Justice: My Women’s Studies Experience.”